Rotapure Lab Instruments help scientist and lab technicians work smarter
Researchers and lab technicians who work in biological or chemical laboratories at universities, hospitals or life science companies experience slow and inefficient workflows with unnecessarily many repetitive movements and handling of single samples.
This increase the chance for work related injuries, poorer results, more mistakes, lower output and productivity.
By mixing and handling samples in batch you can increase your work load capacity, improve consistency, strengthen your ergonomic, save time and in the end get more work done.
The Rotapure Rotator system allows mixing and centrifuging laboratory samples in batch. This increases capacity, improves ergonomics and saves time.
Using the Rotapure system a typical laboratory process of iterative washing of beads with 10 repeats, substantial amounts of time is saved compared to using a standard, one-tube-at-a-time loaded rotator – dependent on amount of processed tubes.
Together with a client we did a study using only 120 tubes. They saved 53 % time and removed 4800 repetitive movements handling the tubes. Based on this study, time savings at other tube numbers were imputed, as illustrated below.
With the Rotator Rotapure System you get:
- High capacity with 384 tubes using 8 Rotapure Racks.
- Easy handling and operated with one hand.
- Plug & Play installation.
- Silent, so can stand freely in the lab.
- Capacity: 48 X 1,5 ml tubes.
- Opportunity to customize racks to fit other tubes.
- Fast cooling (on ice) or heating (incubator/oven).
- Centrifuge adaptor, permitting swinging bucket rotation of microcentrifuge tubes.
- Can be used together with pipetting robots.